Electric vehicle charging upgrade at Morrisons, Foss Islands Road

Morrisons are proipsed to remodel their filling station on Foss Islands Road to accomodate 6 electric vehicle charging bays

The proposals include the provision of a new canopy, associated sub-station and LV enclosures.

There will be a single storey extension to the existing fuel sales building

Proposed layout

A supporting statement says,

“The UK has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 28% by 2035 and moving to Net Zero by 2050. As part of the Net Zero strategy (October 2021), the UK Government have placed a new emphasis on electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the UK. As part of this drive, it is essential that there is a comprehensive and competitive EV charging network in place

The latest figures (as at midnight 1 April 2024) show that there were 59,670 public electric vehicle charging devices installed in the UK, an increase of just 5,993 in the last quarter. At the current pace, just 161,551 would be installed by 2030, with the target of 300,000 not being met until some 7.5 years later.

To meet the target in time, 14,137 chargers would need to be installed each quarter between now and 2030 – a 236% increase over build rate. Rapid charging for longer journeys located in areas such as on motorways and in remote areas will be particularly important. At present, it is understood that the uneven spread of EV charging facilities significantly hinders the take-up of electric vehicles, due to potential servicing constraints.

En-route charging for longer journeys is deemed crucial to support the switch to EV and reduce concerns about charge ‘range anxiety’

In terms of design, the proposed EV charging area has been carefully planned to positively integrate with the existing site operations. The charging facility offers a modern design approach, which is uncluttered and fit for purpose. The proposals will be Equalities Act compliant, offering dropped kerbs and other associated measures to ensure equal ease of access for all”

More details of ther plannig application canbe viewed via this link

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