That was the week that was in west York in pictures

The results of a public opinion survey conducted by local Councillors in the Chapelfields estate were published. One issue raised by residents was lack of progress on repairing the local bus shelter.
…by Thursday, following work by Cllr Andrew Waller, the Bramham Road bus shelter had been repaired.
Andrew had also reported full recycling bins in the Acomb car park
…and a damaged street sign on Front Street
The recent poor weather has brought several problems. Earlier in the week we reported several problems with detritus and overgrown hedges with particular issues on snickets in The Reeves, Thoresby Road and Tennent Road
The surface of the snicket linking Thoresby Road and Cornlands Road is uneven. We have asked for it to be repaired
Broken glass on the Tithe Close footpath was reported for action
Sadly still no action by the Council to trim back the overgrown hedge on Askham Lane

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