Council says “Final consultation is beginning on The Groves’ low traffic trial”

The Council is doing another public opinion survey on the impact of The Groves road closures.

However, no figures have been published which give an indication of the impact that closing routes through the Groves has had over the last 2 years. The trial has been dogged by delays and many of the original problems with the scheme have still to be resolved.

No safety audit was conducted before the trial began. Nor has one been published since.

Befiore and after traffic level figures on routes in and around the area were promised but nothing has emerged.

It remains unclear what the effect on emission levels has been on alternative routes although traffic has been back to its busiest for over 3 months now.

No instruments for measuring pollution levels were deployed either within The Groves or on the immediate alternative network.

Updated accident data has also not been published. The last published figures (see below) showed very low levels of accidents/collisions in The Groves itself with most problems occurring on the route onto which more traffic has now been diverted. ..

The impact on emergency services, deliveries, shops and schools remains unknown.

A Council media release reads, “A third and final consultation on The Groves’ low traffic trial will open on 22 October, and participants’ input is welcomed and will be added to a final report on the experiment.

The low traffic neighbourhood was temporarily put in place in response to local residents’ requests for better air quality, less traffic and the chance to build on the existing community spirit. Since early September 2020 when the trial began, it has been used by a wide variety of people and has been continually technically assessed.

Feedback on the trial is still being collated and now, one year on, views and experiences of the trial are being requested again to help complete the evaluation.

The findings from this survey will be reviewed alongside traffic survey data collated during the trial and other feedback received. This information will be used to prepare a report which will include a recommendation on the future of trial, which will be presented to senior councillors who will make a decision on it.

Local residents, businesses, schools, community groups and all road users are being invited to please consider the trial’s impact in more detail, and share their thoughts on it at (or through the trial page at

The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete and will run from 22 October until 14 November 2021″.

“It is crucial that the measures work for all residents, businesses and community organisations in the area. We’ve been engaging closely with residents and businesses and continue to do so with this latest consultation. Please do take part in the consultation at”

Anyone who needs access to a computer to complete the survey can book to use one at any Explore library. Staff will be on hand to help give access to the survey online.

As an alternative to completing the questionnaire online, views on the trial can be emailed to or can be posted to The Groves Trial, Network Management, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA.

For more detail on the trial, visit

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