Huge increase in electric vehicle charges agreed byYork Council in “behind closed doors” decision

Charges at rapid and ultra-rapid charging sites operated by the York Council will rise from £0.46 to £0.59 per kWh

That is a 28% increase.

Most of the rapid chargers are located at the so-called “hyperhubs” Earlier in the week the one at Poppleton had no vehicles at all charging at, what should have been, the busiest time of the day

Unused Poppleton hyperhub on Monday

The decision to increase charges was taken by a Council official at a “behind closed doors” meeting.

The background papers for the meeting – published on the Councils web site only after the decision had been taken – suggest that 70% of solar energy generated is either used directly for charging or is stored in batteries.

This implies that 30% of the solar energy generated is sold to the National Grid.

The report says that

  • “The following factors have not been incorporated into the proposed tariff:
  • £10 Overstay penalty charges
  • Electricity generated from on-site solar PV
  • Exported Electricity
  • Grid frequency response revenue”

The report says that the income is needed to meet grid payments, standing charges, annual maintenance costs and back office costs.

The Council’s partner in providing its service is BP Pulse.

We think it is shocking that the Council is not providing full income and expenditure statements to justify these rises.

Far from there being a case for an across-the-board increase, many may feel that, at least a times of high solar generation, differential tariff reductions should be available.

At the very least, the Council should review its marketing policies and ensure that the Poppleton site is properly signposted. They should also revisit their decision not to allow Park and Ride users time to recharge while they make a trip into the City (currently a £10 fine is levied for anyone overstaying)

The Council auditor should investigate just how many vehicles are using the facilities, how much energy is being generated and used, how the debts on installation costs are being financed and what income is being derived from sales to the Grid.

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