York Council targets campaign against residents who use wood burning stoves for heating

“Fuel for Thought” launched on coldest day of the year!

The council has launched its new ‘Fuel for Thought’ campaign this week, raising awareness of the dangers of burning wood and other solid fuels in the home.

The campaign highlights that burning solid fuels in stoves and open fireplaces releases tiny, harmful particles in the smoke (known as fine particulate matter, PM2.5 for short) that cause air pollution both inside and outside the home. This can damage the health of those exposed, especially vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly and those with underlying conditions such as asthma and emphysema.

York currently meets the legal requirements for PM2.5, although the Council claims “there are no safe levels, and everyone is at risk”.

The Council also claims that “long-term exposure to PM2.5 contributed to 1 in 22 deaths in York in 2021″.

“Whilst other air pollutants have been steadily declining, downward trends in particulate pollution across York are not as obvious.

Although it might appear more cost-effective to use a wood stove or fireplace with rising energy costs this winter, this is not necessarily the case. Research undertaken by environmental charity ‘Global Action Plan’ showed that wood burners are more expensive than both gas boilers and air source heat pumps in almost every scenario. The research showed that burning wood also has hidden costs for everyone in society”.

The ‘Fuel for Thought campaign’ aims to highlight the healthier and more cost-effective ways of heating homes, and, if unavoidable, the safest and most efficient ways of using your wood burner. Funded by DEFRA, the campaign will run until February 2024. Visit our website to find out more: https://www.york.gov.uk/FuelForThought

CYC is currently seeking feedback on air quality in York and specifically on the measures to improve air quality proposed in its draft Fourth Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP4).  The plan outlines the action the council will take to further improve air quality over the next 5 years, to go beyond health-based National Air Quality Objectives in all areas and work towards meeting World Health Organisation (WHO) Air Quality Guidelines. This consultation can be found at https://www.york.gov.uk/consultations#air and closes on 4th Feb 2024

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