York “Dial and Ride” bus service cut will hit people with disabilities

March 2023 announcement

The media are reporting that the York’ Dial and Ride bus service will close at the end of the month.

The announcement comes as a major surprise as earlier in the year the York Council – then under LibDem/Green control – made a £190,000 grant to allow the operator, York Wheels, to fund two new buses.

The operator blames difficulties with the maintenance of the buses as the reason for the cut in service.

They say that their volunteer car driver service will continue.

The volunteer car driver scheme allows customers to book a car in advance to collect them and take them to their destination.

The charge for that service depends on the distance travelled. You can book via 01904 630080.

The announcement comes after months of debate about access arrangements for car driving blue badge holders. The Dial and Ride service was advertised as a convenient option for disabled people who did not own a car and who wanted to access the City centre and other amenties around York.

It is a lifeline for those on low incomes..

There has been no reaction from the new Council leadership to the proposed cut.

Dial and ride bus dsiplaying York Council logo

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