Surface water flooding in parts of York

the extended period of wet weather has brought surface water flooding problems to parts of York.

Surface water accumulates when drains are either blocked or inadequate to deal with rainfall. The situation can be exacerbated if river levels are high (as they are in York at present) as this can cause a back up on pipes which drain into them.

Persistent rain means that land becomes waterlogged preventng natural soakaway. The Knavesmire is currently flooded to a level not seen since 2012.

The Council have just finished drainage improvement works on Tadcaster Road at locatiomns adjacnet to the Knavesmire

2012 flooding on the Knavesmire

The last time major problems occured was on 13th August 2018 when a storm affected York. More than 40mm of rain fell on the city in just over 15 minutes, Rainfall rates more than 120mm/hour were recorded.

It is important that residents report problems with blocked drains and gullies. Reports can be made 24/7 via this link

Residents can check the level of risk to their properties from both surface water and river flooding via this link

Many riverside paths remain closed due to flooding. Click image for updated figures

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