York celebrates Armed Forces Week

City of York Council is joining partners across the city and the UK, to celebrate and recognise the contribution of our Armed Forces later this month Saturday (29 June).

Armed Forces Day is a chance for communities to show support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving personnel to Service families, veterans and cadets.

It marks the culmination of a week of celebrations, beginning on Monday 24 June, when the public show their support and appreciation for the Armed Forces community. It also includes Reserves Day (26 June), which provides the country with an opportunity to recognise our Reserve Forces.

Organisations across York will be showing their support for Armed Forces personnel once again this year, offering discounts either on Armed Forces Day, or for the week. Many businesses and attractions offer discounts to serving personnel throughout the year.

The national Armed Forces Day flag will also be flown above York’s iconic Mansion House throughout the week as part of the city’s celebrations.

This year, residents can get involved in celebrating sport and service at the inaugural Armed Forces Day Football Fest.

Sponsored by LNER, the Armed Forces Day Football Fest will be held at the LNER Community Stadium on Saturday 6 July, from 11am – 5pm, with Ladies’ and Men’s teams from the British Army going head-to-head with North Yorkshire Police.

Free tickets are available online.

Laura Williams, Assistant Director of Customer, Communities and Inclusion, said:

“Armed Forces Week gives communities across the city the opportunity to thank the Armed Forces and recognise the sacrifice they and their families make.

“The inaugural Armed Forces Football Fest is a fantastic way for everyone to get involved in celebrating sport and service and I’d encourage people to get their free tickets for what promises to be a fun, family-friendly event.”

City of York Council is committed to working across the city to support its armed forces community, setting out its support through the Armed Forces Covenant. It focuses on helping members of the Armed Forces community have the same access to government and commercial services and products as any other citizen.

A weekly Armed Forces Drop Centre at the Spurriergate Centre (YO1 9QR) also provides social and welfare support for members of the armed forces community in York.

The council publishes an Armed Forces Community Information and Directory of Support, which provides serving armed forces personnel, their families, reservists and veterans, with the details of help and support available from a wide range of organisations locally and nationally.

Further information about Armed Forces Week offers, regular events and a copy of the directory is available online.

You can find further information on the Armed Forces Covenant online.

York celebrates Armed Forces Week

City of York Council is joining partners across the city to celebrate Armed Forces Week this week (19-24 June).

The annual event culminates with National Armed Forces Day, on Saturday 24 June, giving individuals and organisations the opportunity to celebrate the work of our Armed Forces, veterans and reservists, and the sacrifices they and their families make for the country.

Many organisations across York will be showing their support for Armed Forces personnel, offering discounts throughout Armed Forces Week, as well as on York’s Armed Forces Family Celebration Week, 17-22 July.

The national Armed Forces Day flag will also be flown above York Mansion House throughout the week as part of the city’s celebrations.

City of York Council is committed to supporting York’s armed forces community, which is set out through the Armed Forces Covenant. The Covenant is a promise to ensure the fair treatment of those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their family members. It focuses on helping members of the Armed Forces community have the same access to government and commercial services and products as any other citizen.

Regular events include a weekly Armed Forces drop in at the Spurriergate Centre (YO1 9QR), providing social and welfare support for members of the armed forces community in York.

The council also publishes an Armed Forces Community Information and Directory of Support, which provides serving armed forces personnel, their families, reservists and veterans, with the details of help and support available from a wide range of organisations locally and nationally.

“Through our ongoing commitment to York’s Armed Forces Covenant, we are able to honour the city’s longstanding connections with the Armed Forces community. A key element of this work is offering advice and support on health and housing issues, as well as employment and education opportunities, providing support to serving members of the forces, veterans and armed forces families.”

 Further information about Armed Forces Week offers, regular events and a copy of the directory is available online at www.livewellyork.co.uk/information-and-advice/health-and-wellbeing/armed-forces-community/

For further information on the Armed Forces Covenant is available at www.york.gov.uk/armedforcescovenant

Armed Forces Week in York starts today

This year the city of York is celebrating Armed Forces Day with a week of events from Monday 25th June to Sunday 1st July.

Each year the city comes together across the week, to show support for our Armed Forces, Serving Personnel, Veterans, Cadets and their families. This year we want to demonstrate how individuals and businesses can get involved in supporting York’s Armed Forces Community with tangible appreciation throughout the year.

York has been home to armed forces since AD 71, when the first Garrison was established in the city. This means the city and the military has always held a strong bond, so this year seeks to be a continuation of this heart-felt appreciation of our Armed Forces personnel and veterans in the region.

As part of the city-wide support for our Armed Forces, York’s Armed Forces Covenant describes how we’re practically working with organisations to support active and ex-service men, women and their families in our area.

How can you or your business get involved?

Members of the public can collect a free Armed Forces Covenant business card from council West Office reception.  The card has details of the Veterans Gateway, this is a FREEPHONE telephone number for those who require help and more information on why we have the Armed Forces Covenant.  Call free on 0808 802 1212 or visit  www.veteransgateway.org.uk For more information on armed forces covenant visit www.armedforcescovenant.gov.uk/

·         Defence Discount Service: To register your business with the national service for free and receive national recognition call 01509 233446 or visit  www.defencediscountservice.co.uk/addaforcesdiscount.php

·         Make your pledge: To pledge your business to the armed forces covenant visit www.gov.uk/government/publications/corporate-covenant-pledge . Businesses across North Yorkshire will soon be required to be armed forces covenant corporate members before being eligible to apply for local authority contracts.

What’s on in the week?

The week of celebration and commemoration will begin with a flag raising ceremony at 10:30am on Monday 25th June, at Mansion House. Here, businesses and attractions from across York will be showing their support through discounts and offers for Armed Forces personnel. There are currently over 50 businesses signed up and many more already offering discounts through the national scheme, Defence Discount Service.

Armed Forces Day offers include:

·         York Mansion House – Free admission for Armed Forces Personnel from Monday 25th June to Sunday 1st July..

·         York Army Museum – Free admission for Armed Forces Personnel (continually)

·         Murton Park (Yorkshire Museum of Farming) – Free admission for Armed Forces Personnel (Monday 25th June – Sunday 1st July)

·         Merchant Adventurers’ Hall – Free admission for Armed Forces Personnel (Saturday 30th June)

·         First York – Free bus travel across the city for Armed Forces Personnel (Saturday 30th June)

·         York Air Museum – Annual discount for Armed Forces Personnel (continually)

Discounts are redeemable by valid accreditation and are only applicable against full priced items from some retailers.

Saturday 30th June is the national Armed Forces Day and this is when York’s annual city centre event will be taking place. The headline event will take place in Parliament Street between 11.00am – 4.00pm. This will include a range of activities for the family, demonstrations, music, information stands and much more. Every year, York’s Armed Forces Event attracts individuals from around the region – a day of fun and entertainment with sincere appreciation for the Armed Forces at the heart of it all.

Yorkshire Air Museum have been allocated a fly past by the WWII Douglas Dakota from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight on Saturday 30th June, expected early afternoon.

York City Knights will also being showing their support at their home game against Newcastle on Sunday 1s t July with a special Armed Forces Day afternoon including a minutes silence for those no longer with us . Individuals holding a Ministry of Defence ID will receive complimentary entrance to the game, along with anyone accompanying them under the age of 16.

Throughout the week there will be an information display from representatives of the Armed Forces within West Offices for the public to seek out further information.

Cllr Keith Aspden, Executive Member for Community Engagement and Armed Forces Champion, looks forward to the city-wide celebration:

 “I know that York will come together to celebrate the contribution of our Armed Forces Community. It is anticipated that this year’s Armed Forces Day celebrations will be no different and that the city will celebrate and commemorate the many Armed Forces Personnel, Veterans, Cadets and their families, across York and the wider region. We want this week of events and activities to draw together all ages to learn about, appreciate and celebrate the tremendous contribution that the Armed Forces make to our community.”

Armed Forces Day set to take to Parliament Street


Some of the country’s finest military bands will be performing alongside displays of military vehicles to mark Armed Forces Day on Saturday 24 June.

The event will take place in the centre of York on Parliament Street and invites people to celebrate the UK armed forces.

Armed Forces Day gives people the chance to learn more about the Armed Forces community, which includes reservists, cadets and service families.  The armed forces have strong links with York as the city is steeped in military history with it being a garrison town since AD71.

A host of family-friendly, free events and entertainment will be staged in Parliament Street from 11am to 4pm. This includes performances from Band Of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, the Military Wives Choir and the Air Cadet Band.

A group of dance students from colleges and schools across the city will also perform a dance piece along the theme of what it is to be close and stay close. This follows on from workshops in primary schools throughout the city looking at the theme of being close as armed forces families can often be separated for long periods of time.

For more info about Armed Forces Day visit www.armedforcesday.org.uk/event/york-armed-forces-day-2017