Road closure planned in York as Council steps up surface dressing repair works

Several roads will be closed as surface dressing works take place over the next few weeks in west York. The roads affected are:

  • Wetherby Road near Rufforth 05/07/23-06/07/23- 4am to 7am
  • Holtby Lane 06/07/23-07/07/23- 9am-4pm
  • Main St Askham Bryan 05/07/13- 06/07/23- 9am-4pm
  • Askham Bryan Lane South 05/07/13- 06/07/23- 9am-4pm
  • Askham Lane 05/07/13- 06/07/23- 9am-4pm

The required road closures will be effective between 9am and 4pm at all locations, with the exception of the Wetherby Road, Rufforth closure, which will be in operation between 4am and 7am.

Road stud removals / pothole filling and patching work will take place at all locations on Wednesday 5th July, and for Holtby Lane on Thursday 6th July.

The surface dressing operations moving on a rolling programme through all site locations are scheduled for Thursday 6th July (weather permitting).

The reinstatement of all road markings and road studs will follow on approximately two to three weeks afterwards, which will also require road closures.

Our thanks to the Councillor who forwarded the details to us.

Askham Bryan Lane changes

Contractors have refreshed a red strip across the carriageway on Askham Bryan Lane. The lane was recently resurfaced.

It is far from clear what good the strip does. Its predecessor faded away quite quickly.

The red bitmac is not thought to be connected with the 100 metre extension of the village 30 mph speed limit.

That change is still being advertised and in any event only covers about 100 metres of road closer to the village.

Council report on Askham Bryan Lane June 2022

Keeping cycle paths open

We’ve reached the time of year when hedge growth can begin to block cycle and footpaths. Fortunately, because many are currently working from home at the present time, domestic hedges should be getting regular attention (subject to protecting nesting birds). The lack of a green waste bin emptying service is, of course, an issue that will need to be resolved.

It is less clear what resources the Council will be able to deploy to keep on top of public hedges.

In the meantime it may be down to volunteers.

Thorn branches trimmed from cycle track entrance

We trimmed back thorn branches today from the cycle track at the top of Askham Bryan Lane. They were growing at eye height and represented a potential hazard for both cyclists and walkers.

However it is probably expecting too much to depend on a purely voluntary effort to trim overgrowth.

For some time we have suggested that there is a need to appoint a couple of Path Wardens. They  would be responsible (in summer) for ensuring that there were no obstructions for either cyclists or pedestrians. They could also fill in potholes and repaint markings while keeping signage and other infrastructure in good condition.

 In winter they could help with de-icing.

Whether the Council can rebalance its budget, when the present crisis if over, to give greater priority to maintenance issues like these remains to be seen.

In the meantime, residents should continue to report incidents where obstructions represent a hazard for path users.

Council agrees to fill in pothole

The York Council has agreed to fill in a pothole on Askham Bryan Lane. Initially the Council refused to address the issue but have now promised routine action.

The Council will have an additional team filling in potholes this year so it is still worth reporting any that represent a hazard for road users in general and cyclists in particular.