University related parking problems on Tranby Avenue

Petition launched

Problems with non resident parking in the Tranby Avenue area are continuing.

An online petition has now been raised which could see single yellow line parking restictions applied between 10:00am and 3:00pm. The petitioners hope that this would deter all day parking.

Over the years there have been numerous complaints about property accesses being obstructed, .while buses and, delivery vans and refuse vehicles have also been affected.

The petition reads

Tranby Avenue Parking Problems

  • We the undersigned petition the council to deal with the dangerous and inconsiderate University related parking in Tranby Avenue and Cavendish Grove in Osbaldwick and Murton.

We the undersigned call upon City of York Council as Highway Authority to stop the University related parking issues compromising highway safety and residential amenity on Tranby Avenue and Cavendish Grove, Osbaldwick and Murton.

We do not believe that residents should have to incur any costs in dealing with this matter and reject any suggestion of a residents parking scheme instead we request that City of York Council bring forward as a matter of urgency single yellow line parking restrictions to disrupt the long term dumping of University related vehicles on this stretch of highway.

To that end single yellow line parking restrictions are requested to be operational between 10 am – 3 pm Mon – Fri from the Tranby Av/Hull Rd junction, taking in Cavendish Grove and extending down Tranby Avenue to the junction with Baysdale Avenue and extending round both junction corners of Baysdale Avenue for a distance of 10 yards.

It is requested that these restrictions are rigorously enforced by City of York Council.

It is also requested that implementation is carried out in full consultation with Ward Members and Parish Councils to ensure signage is kept to a minimum.

The restrictions will need to be closely monitored to check that the University related parking problem is not displaced to other residential streets and if it is the further use of a single yellow line parking restriction will need to be considered.

This ePetition runs from 26/02/2024 to 20/03/2024.

Earlier (2022)

Our story in October 2021

In October of the last year, we looked at the problems that parking associated with York University were having in neighbouring areas (click).

On-street parking chaos on streets like Tranby Avenue had resulted from the introduction of a “Residents Only” parking scheme on the adjacent Badger Hill estate.

Several suggestions for improvements were made including asking the University to be more flexible in the use of the car parks on its campus.

So a year on, how are things now?

The Councillor for the area, Mark Warters, told a council meeting last week that the issues had eased a little

It is clear that the University and CYC have been trying to persuade students and staff not to park inconsiderately on public roads which judging by the current situation has worked to some extent”.

More can be read on the Osbaldwick Parish Councils Facebook page (click)

Today there were only 4 cars parked on Tranby Avenue. Two were parked close together on opposite sides of the road making access for larger vehicles very difficult. One had a notice on the windscreen

Apparently, some of the vehicles are parked permanently on the road having been evicted from Badger Hill where some students let properties don’t have sufficient off street parking space to accommodate all the vehicles of the tenants.

Tranby Avenue Noon 2nd November 2022

Elsewhere, the Hull Road park and ride site was busy with only a small number of free spaces.

The staff car park was almost empty. Unfortunately notices banned “park and stride” were still evident. So you will have to put your bike in your car boot if you want to park there and don’t plan to use the bus

It was a similar picture at the University. Many of the car parks there were heavily used although there were spaces on the casual-use car parks. The car park at the Sports Village was almost empty.

Building work is still going on at the University. This may account for the fact that a number of streetlights on the main arterial road were lit at lunchtime – not a good example for those trying to save energy

Day burning street lights on campus

& for a local authority trying to encouirage cycling, the York Councils failure to keep infrastructure in a good state of repair was evident on Field Lane where cycle path white lines have all but faded away.

Faded cycle path on Field Lane

Lots more to do in the Hull Road area but perhaps the University has adopted a more pragmatic approach to solving its transport issues. If so, it is the right thing to do.