Electric vehicle charging upgrade at Morrisons, Foss Islands Road

Morrisons are proipsed to remodel their filling station on Foss Islands Road to accomodate 6 electric vehicle charging bays

The proposals include the provision of a new canopy, associated sub-station and LV enclosures.

There will be a single storey extension to the existing fuel sales building

Proposed layout

A supporting statement says,

“The UK has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 28% by 2035 and moving to Net Zero by 2050. As part of the Net Zero strategy (October 2021), the UK Government have placed a new emphasis on electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the UK. As part of this drive, it is essential that there is a comprehensive and competitive EV charging network in place

The latest figures (as at midnight 1 April 2024) show that there were 59,670 public electric vehicle charging devices installed in the UK, an increase of just 5,993 in the last quarter. At the current pace, just 161,551 would be installed by 2030, with the target of 300,000 not being met until some 7.5 years later.

To meet the target in time, 14,137 chargers would need to be installed each quarter between now and 2030 – a 236% increase over build rate. Rapid charging for longer journeys located in areas such as on motorways and in remote areas will be particularly important. At present, it is understood that the uneven spread of EV charging facilities significantly hinders the take-up of electric vehicles, due to potential servicing constraints.

En-route charging for longer journeys is deemed crucial to support the switch to EV and reduce concerns about charge ‘range anxiety’

In terms of design, the proposed EV charging area has been carefully planned to positively integrate with the existing site operations. The charging facility offers a modern design approach, which is uncluttered and fit for purpose. The proposals will be Equalities Act compliant, offering dropped kerbs and other associated measures to ensure equal ease of access for all”

More details of ther plannig application canbe viewed via this link

More frustration with EV car charging in York

Hard on the heels of the York Councils decision  to spend £2 million on another EV HyperHub at Askham Bar (click) further delays in providing chargers at other sites in the City have been revealed.

click for more details

The slow progress on the central charger at Union Terrace has been well documented.

Now a response to a Freedom of Information request from local resident Gwen Swinburn has revealed further delays in  installing chargers at Monk Bar car park. Preparatory work there was completed over 2 years ago.

Charging facilities for residents living in the central York area are very limited with no on-street options currently available in the terraced areas. Other Councils are beginning to address the issue with recessed, across pavement, systems offering the quickest and cheapest option.  This would, however, involve dedicating the ResPark space outside each home to a particular user.  Cross pavement connections are currently banned in York.

So expensive off-street charging is the only option at present for many.  According to the response to the FOI request, the York Council has spent £85,000 on an – so far abortive – attempt to provide more chargers at Monk Bar car park The Council refuses to say why there has been a 3 year delay in completing the project. It says the terms of its contract with the private sector supplier remain secret.

Delays fitting chargers at Monk Bar car park

The reluctance of officials and Councillors in York to engage with this issue comes at a time when electric vehicle sales have stalled. Range anxiety and the lack of a reliable charging network are factors that car buyers take into account when purchasing a new vehicle.

But there is now a third issue.

FOI response click

The Council charges 0.59p kWh for the use of a 150 kWh vehicle charger. Althoughsome commercial chargers cost more, it remains expensive, especially when solar generation at the HyperHubs reduces Council supply costs. The charging bays remain largely unused. There is a case for  discount rates to be applied, at least  in summer when the solar generators are most effective.

Homeowners with a dedicated charger, smart meter and electric car tariff from their energy supplier can pay as little as 5p per kWh to replenish the vehicle’s batteries overnight.

  It is now cheaper to refuel a diesel or petrol driven vehicle than it so to use many of the ultra-rapid chargers which are available.

The York Council needs to be more transparent about its costs, plans and timescales if EV use is to be increased.

click to read article

Another £2 million EV charging hub planned for York

Asham Bar plan going ahead but many unanswered questions remain about the use of existing facilities

Little used hyper hub at Poppleton Bar

The York Council will invest £800,000 in setting up another “Hyper Hub” at the Park and Ride site. It will be the fourth such charging site established in the City , when the city centre hub at Union Terrace is completed.  

The facility will be accessible to all users of electric vehicles under 3.5 tonnes, The Hyper Hub will include 4 x 175kW chargers, 4 x 50 kW chargers and 56 x 7kW charge points. Solar PV panels, mounted on canopies over the chargers, provide up to 100kW renewable electricity, which can be used directly to charge vehicles, or stored in a 500kW battery for later use.

The Council claims that this will drive the uptake of EVs, “which in turn supports the council’s climate change objectives by reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality”.

The council has been awarded a grant of £1,243k from the  “LEVI Pilot Funding for Askham Bar Hyper Hub”

While few doubt that more reliable  EV charging stations are required, the poor use of the existing chargers at Poppleton Bar and Monks Cross needs to be investigated first. Promotional publicity for the facilities is poor and the Council remains tight-lipped about just how effective the solar chargers have been. They admit that no power has been sold to the grid as was originally promised.

Occupation of the charger bays is restricted to 90 minutes, so any commuter hoping to leave their vehicle on a charge while they go to work will be disappointed. The inclusion of 56 x 7 kW terminals may be intended for longer-stay users, but the Council hasn’t admitted that.

All in all, just another stuttering step forward in the confused world of EV charging

Fast chargers at Monks Cross are not being used

Green wheels – find out more about electric and hybrid vehicles at York event

Electric carCity of York Council’s iTravel York are inviting residents and visitors to come and discover the very latest electric plug-in and hybrid vehicles at a ‘Green Wheels’ event.

The event will take place on Wednesday 6 April at south entrance of York Designer Outlet from 10am-3pm.

Cars of all shapes and sizes from supercars to family hatchbacks from many leading brands and dealers will be available to view.

Help will be on hand for people who are thinking about switching to an electric or hybrid vehicle with information about savings, recharging and running costs.

There will also be many different bikes, including mountain and hybrid e-bikes from several manufacturers for all the family to try out on a special test track throughout the day.

In January 2016 York was the only city in the region included in the governments Go Ultra Low cities scheme. This will see the city receive £816,000 to fund an ultra low emission programme including a city wide network of rapid charging hubs. These will provide state-of-the-art, ultra fast, reliable and convenient rapid charging for key vehicle groups such as taxis, private motorists and business users.

Cllr Ian Gillies, Executive Member for Transport and planning, said: “There are several great benefits to electric and hybrid vehicles including having lower emissions than traditional cars and also being cheaper to fuel. Now that York has been included in the recent Go Ultra Low cities scheme there has never been a better time to explore the possibility of driving an electric vehicle. The Green Wheels event will give people a chance to find out if an electric or hybrid vehicle can work them.”

Residents and visitors who are travelling to the Designer Outlet from the city centre can use the Number 7 Park&Ride or Arriva 415. For more help planning a journey in and around York use the iTravel York journey planner http://www.itravelyork.info/planner/

For more information on electric vehicles in York visit http://www.itravelyork.info/driving/electric-vehicles/