Electric vehicle charging upgrade at Morrisons, Foss Islands Road

Morrisons are proipsed to remodel their filling station on Foss Islands Road to accomodate 6 electric vehicle charging bays

The proposals include the provision of a new canopy, associated sub-station and LV enclosures.

There will be a single storey extension to the existing fuel sales building

Proposed layout

A supporting statement says,

“The UK has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 28% by 2035 and moving to Net Zero by 2050. As part of the Net Zero strategy (October 2021), the UK Government have placed a new emphasis on electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the UK. As part of this drive, it is essential that there is a comprehensive and competitive EV charging network in place

The latest figures (as at midnight 1 April 2024) show that there were 59,670 public electric vehicle charging devices installed in the UK, an increase of just 5,993 in the last quarter. At the current pace, just 161,551 would be installed by 2030, with the target of 300,000 not being met until some 7.5 years later.

To meet the target in time, 14,137 chargers would need to be installed each quarter between now and 2030 – a 236% increase over build rate. Rapid charging for longer journeys located in areas such as on motorways and in remote areas will be particularly important. At present, it is understood that the uneven spread of EV charging facilities significantly hinders the take-up of electric vehicles, due to potential servicing constraints.

En-route charging for longer journeys is deemed crucial to support the switch to EV and reduce concerns about charge ‘range anxiety’

In terms of design, the proposed EV charging area has been carefully planned to positively integrate with the existing site operations. The charging facility offers a modern design approach, which is uncluttered and fit for purpose. The proposals will be Equalities Act compliant, offering dropped kerbs and other associated measures to ensure equal ease of access for all”

More details of ther plannig application canbe viewed via this link

Several major planning decisions are due to be made in York next week

Concern changes to British Sugar, Plantation Drive housing site, St Peters School sports facilities and a Foss Islands Road student flats plan.

St Peters School (sports facilities)

Update: We understand that the planning application has now been withdrawn

Earlier: Planning officials are recommending the refusal of an application by the school which would have seen the erection of a floodlit hockey pitch and tennis/netball courts, cricket nets, resurfacing and floodlighting to an existing hockey pitch plus associated access, car parking, coach drop-off, storage and landscaping 

Officials argue that the development is technically in the Green Belt at the moment. There are also concerns about traffic generation in what otherwise is a residential area.

Further details can be viewed via this link

British Sugar (houses)

Developers are seeking changes to the already agreed planning conditions on this long-delayed housing site. The changes involve providing more green infrastructure, increased building heights, updates to the detailed configuration of the proposed Main Street access road, alterations to the drainage strategy plus updates to approved illustrative phasing plans

The changes – which are relatively minor – are recommended for approval. More details can be viewed by clicking this link

There is no clue in the papers as to when building works on this site may begin. In total, the site is expected to accommodate around 1100 additional homes.

Enterprise cars Foss Islands Road (Student flats)

This application concerns the erection of a 3, 4, and 5 storey student accommodation buildings with associated car parking and access following the demolition of existing buildings 

It is effectively a rerun of an application which was refused a few months ago on the grounds that the site was needed for “employment” purposes. The existing buildings on the site have been vacant for some time.

The building would be 3-storey fronting the inner ring road / Foss Islands Road, stepping up to 5-storey at the rear towards Elvington Terrace. The accommodation would comprise 133 rooms including 7 fully accessible studios. rooms. There would be communal social spaces on the ground floor and each of the upper floors.

It is recommended for approval

More details can be read by clicking this link

Plan for student flats on Foss Islands Road car rental site

 Developers have submitted a planning application which could see the erection of a 3, 4, and 5-storey student accommodation building with associated car parking and access on Foss Islands Road.

The proposal involves the demolition of the Enterprise car hire building and an adjacent garage.

There has been a lot of discussion already about the future of the site which is close to historic buildings and the Conservation area.

Details can be found via this link

Morrisons plan to use ANPR cameras to enforce parking restrictions

Morrisons on Foss Island Road plan to install enforcment cameras on the car park at their Foss Islands store. The store is located in a Conservation Area.

The installation will consist of 30 new signs mounted on 1 new and 24 existing posts around
the perimeter of the car park together with 5 new wall mounted signs and 2 new ANPR cameras.

In a stare ent they say ” Most signs are proposed with a yellow background and green writing, in line with the Morrisons branding. In providing signs with this coloring, they will be less visually striking and blend into the backdrop more effectively than a white and blue background.

The exception to this is 2 entrance signs, which we propose with white in background. This is to comply with the British parking association code of practice for principal entrance signs, to which a white background is required. This is to ensure this sign is clearly visible as users of the car park enter the site, allowing them to understand the car parking operation in place before they choose to park”.

They go on to say, ” The proposed alterations to the car park allow for modern car parking equipment to be installed that will effectively and efficiently manage the use of the car park. This is necessitated
due to the store’s location within a busy retail park and the inconsiderate past use of the car park
by non-patrons of the store.

The system installed will allow visitors to Foss Islands Retail Park to utilise the car park, whilst recognising the customers of the Morrisons store and ensuring there are spaces available for their stay.

This benefits both the store and the local town, as it ensures that the car park isn’t constantly full of long stay parkers utilising free spaces, creates space for the stores paying customers, and also provides parking for visitors to Foss Islands Retail Park, York”.

Further details can be viewed by clicking here

Council getting on top of leaf fall problems?

We’ve seem some attempts being made to sweep some of the gutters where leaf fall has caused potential blockages.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a particular issue around traffic islands and street furniture where detritus rapidly builds.

Clearly, the larger mechanical sweepers, which the Council uses, are less effective in those locations.

We’ve reported issues on Foss Islands Road

Weeds are already starting to grow in the loam created by decaying leaves on Foss Islands Road

Foss Island Road verges tidied up.

Its around 3 years since the Council was reminded that verges on Foss Islands Road needed to be kept tidy. They presented a poor image of the City particularly as many vistors would view them from the Bar Walls.

It appears that the areas were missed off the maintenance rota when the new footpaths were adopted some years ago.

Well a tidy up has now taken place., We hope that they will be kept in good order during the summer period.

The inner planted areas are still a maze of brambles, thistles and nettles. However the adjacent owners are responsible for their management. Currently they seem to have adopted a zero maintenance policy.

Foss Islands Road saga continues

Report published on 20th December 2019

Its 18 months since the York Council agreed to keep verges on Foss Islands Road tidy.

We reported in December 2019 that officials accepted that the verges (created when nearby redevelopment work was undertaken) were the maintenance responsibility of the Council

They said that they would be either grassed over (and cut 10 times a year) or planted with wildflowers.

Sadly neither has happened and the verges remain a nettle infested eyesore.

Given that this is one of the busiest streets in the City – and is overlooked from the Bar Walls – we would have expected the York Council to have addressed the issue by now.

Foss Islands Road today

Foss Islands Road tidy up hope

Overgrown verges on Foss Islands Road

We reported a few weeks ago that we hoped to persuade the York Council to get to grips with outstanding maintenance issues on Foss Islands Road. The main problem related to lack of care for the cultivated areas lying  between the public highway and the private shops boundary.

We said at the time that we were confident that it was a Council responsibility to cut back and maintain the area between the public footpath and the carriageway. 

The Council have now confirmed that this is the case.

Officials have suggested that this area is either wild flowered or reseeded and cut as with other roadside verges 10 times a year. Any remedial work will take place in the spring.  The Council will however be giving it a general cut back early in the new year.

Unfortunately no one is admitting liability for maintaining the area outside the public footpath although it seems likely that the frontagers will have some responsibilities.

This busy part of the City is seen by hundreds of thousands of people each year.

It is clearly on view from the iconic City Walls.

It should be kept in a tidy condition. 


Foss Islands Road tidy up hope

Overgrown verges on Foss Islands Road

We reported a few weeks ago that we hoped to persuade the York Council to get to grips with outstanding maintenance issues on Foss Islands Road. The main problem related to lack of care for the cultivated areas lying  between the public highway and the private shops boundary.

We said at the time that we were confident that it was a Council responsibility to cut back and maintain the area between the public footpath and the carriageway. 

The Council have now confirmed that this is the case.

Officials have suggested that this area is either wild flowered or reseeded and cut as with other roadside verges 10 times a year. Any remedial work will take place in the spring.  The Council will however be giving it a general cut back early in the new year.

Unfortunately no one is admitting liability for maintaining the area outside the public footpath although it seems likely that the frontagers will have some responsibilities.

This busy part of the City is seen by hundreds of thousands of people each year.

It is clearly on view from the iconic City Walls.

It should be kept in a tidy condition. 

Plea to sort out Foss Island Road maintenance problems

We reported earlier in the year that the verge and planted areas on Foss Islands Road needed to be cut back. They were overgrown with nettles, thistles and other weeds.

We expected that this issue would have been sorted by now but a visit today revealed that the problems continue. This is particularly disappointing in an area which is visible from the City Walls and which a large number of people see each week.

We have now formally approached the Council to determine who is responsible for maintenance and to what standards.

Foss Islands Road