Upper floors of Spurriergate property to be converted into flats

The trend otwards providing living accomodation in the upper floors of shops in the City centre is gaining momentum.

A planning application has been submitted for Goldsmiths at 12-16 Spurriergate which would see a change of use of the upper floors from offices to 2 self-contained holiday lets with external alterations including a new shop front and entrance

The building is a four-storey Grade II listed building with a shop a ground floor and former offices at first, second and third floors,

According to a statement submitted by the developers,

“The proposed scheme involves changing the use of the upper floors to holiday apartments, introducing a new timber staircase and modifying the shop frontto create a new access.

Secondary glazing will be introduced and other associated internal alterations will be carried out to bring the apartments up to contemporary living standards. These proposed works have been thoughtfully considered to minimize any potential harm to the heritage significance of the listed building.

All floors will be refurbished, including the complete renewal of services and the introduction of Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR). Changes at ground floor level involve modifying the shop front to incorporate a new separate entrance for the upper floor apartments, removing a modern staircase and part of a suspended ceiling to accommodate a new timber staircase.

On the first floor, alterations will include the removal of the modern kitchen and WCs, and new partitions will create a one-bed apartment. On the second and third floors the proposed alterations will create a three-bed, duplex apartment.

Repairs will be made to the external fabric of the rear elevation and all historic windows

Anti smoking campaign by York Council

City of York Council says that itis helping to create a smokefree generation in York. Thsi comes a few weeks after the government announced a ban on the sale of tobaco products

The council has been allocated £195,000 government funding to help expand its existing offer to residents and provide even more support to help people quit for good over the next 5 years – as new figures from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) released today show that smoking is costing York £109 million a year.

The service is being delivered by the Health Trainer team, which has a fantastic track record on helping people stop smoking with a 74% success rate of people not smoking four weeks after their ‘quit date’, which is the fourth highest in the country according to recent figures.

The Health Trainers help residents by providing free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or e-cigarettes. The additional funding means the service can expand this offer from 4 weeks to 10 weeks.

The team will also be helping areas where smoking rates remain consistently higher than others in York.

Peter Roderick, Director of Public Health, at City of York Council said:

York set to celebrate female business leaders

For the third year running, York’s businesses are being invited to celebrate the achievements of women in business at an event aimed at supporting female entrepreneurship in the city

Empowering and Inspiring Women in Business in York will take place on Tuesday 5 March from 9.30am to 2.15pm at the Priory Street Centre, 15 Priory Street, York YO1 6ET.

This event, run in partnership with NatWest, will build on a successful series that has taken place over the past three years. This event series has seen female entrepreneurs from across the city gather to share ideas and advice, and learn about free business support available from the council and its partner organisations.

The event will take place during the week of International Women’s Day, which this year is focused on the theme of ‘Inspiring Inclusion’. The theme urges individuals, communities, businesses and organisations to forge a more inclusive, tolerant world, and promotes belonging, relevance and empowerment for women and girls everywhere.

Keynote speaker Louise Toal will reflect on this theme in her talk, ‘If the shoe fits’, which will explore her journey as a female leader in the male-dominated world of tech.

Swap smoking for more money and better mental health!

Stopping smoking is often referred to as ‘giving up’, but this new year, City of York Council’s Health Trainer team is focusing on the gains.

By swapping cigarettes to safer forms of nicotine, such as patches, gum or a vape you can save hundreds of pounds, whilst improving your mental and physical health significantly when you remove the harmful tobacco from your life.  

Find details of your FREE local stop smoking service here . To sign up, complete the online referral form, message 07789 946 384 call 01904 553377 or email cychealthtrainers@york.gov.uk

To explore a range of stop smoking and self-help health apps recommended by professionals, visit the Health App Library. Free to download and full of useful information, hints and tips.

New study shows quitting smoking can improve mental health | University of Oxford

Peter Roderick, Director of Public Health at City of York Council, said:“There is a misconception that smoking relieves anxiety, when in fact, it creates it. The relief that people feel when they have a cigarette is because they are giving their body the drug (nicotine) that it has been withdrawing from.