Lowfields residents unhappy about latest delays to completion of building works

According to the Lowfields Action Group Facebook page (click),  it could be months before the York Council makes a decision on the future of two empty building plots on the Lowfield Green development.

Extra care home site at Lowfields

It appears that the new Labour-controlled Council has shelved work on providing either a care home or sheltered accommodation on the site reserved for an elderly persons facility.

It is three years since tenders were invited for the use of the site.

12 months ago the council seemed to be on the brink of making a decision only for the item to be withdrawn from a Council meeting agenda.

Since then officials have remained tight-lipped about the future of the site although sources at West Offices said that tenderers had criticised the proposed Council contract as “being too restrictive”.

It is three years since tenders for use of the elderly care site were invited

 So it seems that there will no homes for the elderly built in the foreseeable future.

Neighbours are now being told that part of the site will be grassed over and part will be used as a site compound for the Yorspace development (if that ever actually gets built)

The Councils Shape homes developers are still marketing empty homes on the site referring to a “public service building” (currently occupied by the Wates building compound) . A few weeks ago the York Council successfully applied for a subsidy to build houses on the plot.

Yet according to official sources at  West Offices “no decision” has apparently been taken on its future.

This is hardly a way to treat either long term residents or those who have recently moved into new homes in the area. Communication has at best been patchy.

The access from Tudor Road is now open. It will close again when final resurfacing work takes place on roads and footpaths in the area.

The fate of roads in the surroundinging  area is less clear.

The developer says “In regards to the remedial highways works, I am currently undertaking a comparison exercise of the highways pre-construction, and current conditions. I will undertake another dilapidation survey when Wates vacate the site, and will work with the Highways Authority with the aim to develop a full remediation plan in collaboration with them to address some of the wider highways issues, as well as those caused by the construction vehicles. The extent of the works will be shared with the residents once confirmed”.

In the meantime the Council seems to have suspended all highway maintenance work in the area leaving several potentially hazardous potholes, in the  Lowfield Drive area, unfilled.

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