Coronavirus York updates; 24th July 2020

Deaths and test results

According to government figures released today, two more positive test results have been recorded in York. This brings the total to 918.

There have been no more deaths in York hospitals


The latest “open data” report says,

DIAGNOSED CASES (Pillar 1 and 2 combined)

• As at 23.7.20 York has had 916* cases, a rate of 436.4 per 100,000 of population. The England rate is 456.9. The Yorkshire & Humber rate is 567.1. *updated to 918 today

• The PHE ‘Exceedance’ rating compares the no. of new cases over a 10 day period with the previous 6 weeks and provides a RAG rating to indicate if the previously observed trend in the no. of new cases is worsening. The latest rating for York (20.7.20) is Green.

• The weekly rate of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population tested under Pillar 1 and 2 (as at 21.7.20, using the report released on 23.7.20) was 0.95 for York. York was ranked 8th out of 150 local authorities (with 1 being the lowest rate)

• As at 20.7.20 the latest 7 day positivity rate (Pillar 2 only) was 0.36% (5 positives out of 1,406 tests).


The two sources about deaths from Covid-19 at LA level are ONS data and local registrar data. They are derived from the same source (civil registration data). ONS data is more comprehensive as it will include deaths of York residents which have been registered outside York. Local registrar data is useful as it provides a breakdown by age and gender. The most recently available data is summarised below:

• ONS weekly data: For deaths occurring up to 10th July 2020 and registered up to 18th July 2020, 168 deaths were recorded as having occurred for CYC residents (82 in hospital, 73 in care homes, 9 at home, 3 in an hospice and 1 in an ‘other communal establishment’). The number of deaths per 100,000 of population in York is 79.77 which is lower than the national average of 86.22.

• ‘Excess’ deaths (ONS): In week 28 (4 July to 10 July), 31 deaths occurred in York, which is the 2 more than the weekly number for 2014-18. The peak week for ‘excess’ deaths and for Covid deaths was week18 (25 April to 1 May).

• Local Registrar data: In the weekly data received on 20.7.20 (for deaths occurring up to 15.7.20), a cumulative total of 159 deaths of CYC residents where COVID-19 was mentioned (confirmed or suspected) on the death certificate, have been registered. The average age of the people who died was 82.4, with an age range of 53-104. The age profile of those dying in York is slightly older than the national average. 84 of the 159 were male (52.8%), slightly less than the national average (55%). 80 of the deaths occurred in hospital and 79 were community deaths (e.g. at home or in a care home or hospice). 68 people (42.8%) died in nursing /care homes (the national average is 29.6%). In addition 13 people (8.2%) who normally resided in nursing/care homes in the CYC area, died in hospital.

Data on deaths occurring in hospital are shown below. Deaths are initially reported for York NHS Foundation Trust which includes Scarborough Hospital and the further breakdown by site can be delayed. From local registrar data, 58.6% of COVID-19 deaths occurring at York Hospital have been CYC residents.

• Deaths at York Hospital: As at 23.7.20, 134 deaths of people who had tested positive for COVID-19 and were being cared for at York Hospital have been reported. 214 deaths have been reported by the wider York NHS Trust

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