Coronavirus York updates; 24th February 2021


The York Hospital Trust has announced one additional death. The fatality took place yesterday (23rd).

The local hospital death rate continues to decline.

York residents deaths

ONS have published statistics showing the number of deaths’ of York residents in the period up to 12th February 2021.

Ten deaths occurred during the latest week.

Seven of the fatalities occurred in hospital and three in care homes.

The previous week had seen 17 fatalities.

The cumulative toll for the last 12 months has now risen to 340.

Of these, 169 have occurred since 1st September 2020.

Test results

TWENTY tWO positive test results announced today. Cumulative number of cases now 11,789.

Rate /100k population rises to 72.65. Set to increase to over 77 before the end of the week.

The increase in York represents 10 additional cases compared to the previous days total. Total infections (at 19/2/2021) were 153. Case numbers are also increasing in North Yorkshire (526 cases) and at regional level.


Looking at the spread of cases by neighbourhood. there is no real clue as to the cause of the spike in infections this week.

The highest increase in cases were an additional three in each of Clifton Without, Huntington, Holgate East and Heworth North. These may simply reflect family group transmissions.

However, for the first time since last summer, we now have a neighbourhood with ZERO recorded cases.


We understand that the reduced number of vaccinations which we saw earlier in the week was due to temporary supply shortages. Inoculation numbers remain ahead of target.

The rate is ramping up at local and regional level again now.


4425 PCR tests were carried out during the week ending 19th February

Of these, 3.4% were positive (the same figure as the previous 2 days)

1120 lateral flow tests were carried out on 23rd February

York Minster

YORK Minster will reopen from lockdown for worship and private prayer on Sunday March 14, with a number of precautions in place to help keep visitors and staff safe. Only 75 places will be available for the main Sunday services, and admission will be via online booked ticket only. Online booking will open on March 8 at

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